7th Tradition Contributions and Sponsorship

7th Tradition Contributions

Our 7th Tradition states that, “Every CMA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” This means that all costs (e.g., renting meeting spaces) are paid for by contributions made by our own members. We gratefully accept contributions no matter how large or small so that we can continue carrying the message of recovery to others. Contributions are collected at meetings, or they can be made through the following means:


A sponsor is a person who has a full year of sobriety and a working knowledge of the 12-step program. They are willing to guide a newcomer through the 12 steps by sharing their own experience, strength and hope in recovery. There is therapeutic value in one addict helping another, as our common problem (addiction) has a common solution (recovery). You are welcome to join our meetings (online and in person) to find a sponsor who is willing to guide you in recovery.